
This website is dedicated to deliver you with news, information and material related to the visualcube1e3 device, a unique volumetric color display. The display is designed of a thousand light emitting diodes, equidistantly arranged in a cubical frame with an edge length of 275 centimeters, easily controllable via wireless LAN.

Whatever question you may have concerning visualcube1e3, don’t hesitate to ask by commenting here, or by using the contact form on the about page.

Have fun.

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 Information

2 Comments to Welcome.

  • Yara says:

    Hi…first of all I would like to congratulate you for your hard work… its really amazing 😀

    Second of all, I had a question regarding the measurements of the visual cube.

    I am working on building an 8X8X8 RGB LED 3D Cube.I’m still in the studying phase of all the areas of the project, and when I came across deciding the internal distance between each RGB LED and the size of the RGB LED , I got confused ? I did not know how or what theory to follow in order to choose the correct measurements .

    So I was wondering if you could help me with understanding or finding the theory behind choosing the appropriate internal distance between each RGB and the size of the RGB …

    Thank you

    • admin says:

      Hi. The LED distance mainly depends on the later viewing position. For our case the cube was designed to be installed in a large distance to the viewer (mounted to the ceiling of a large hall). The larger this distance grows, the larger the distance between the LED Voxel balls can be. Be aware that too small distances between the Voxels may destroy the 3D effect. In such a case you should consider to shrink the radius of the Voxel balls. It’s not easy to find the best tradeoff. Good luck with you project!

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